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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:01 am  Post subject: Complete Tracklist for SSX3??  
Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:50 am
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Does anyone have a complete tracklist for SSX3? I realize this has probably been posted before, but I wasn't able to find it through the forum search. I already bought the CD, but would like to know the rest of the artists and song titles featured in the game as well. Thanks for the help!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:33 am  Post subject:   
Attack Duck Owner
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I don't know if you have the game or not but if you do you can get the complete track list from one of the lodge menu's and i think maybe from the pause menu. In the lodge, go to music and edit playlist and you can see all the tracks. I think you can do the same if you pause it and go to the music there. Also if you don't have the game, I believe the official ssx website lists all of the artists or at least most of them.

- KotW -

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:51 am  Post subject:   
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link to the music page on the official site...

there's 30 tracks listed there, I'm pretty sure that's everything in the game :)

Ravage's Moblog

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:20 am  Post subject:   
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There are actually 35 in the in-game music list, the site doesn't include the ones that were written in-house (ala the old ssx music writers) like Wobble.

Here's the complete list for your printing convenience:

song name, artist

1. Deep End - Utah Saints Remix, Swollen Members

2. All Night, Swollen Members

3. Go, Andy Hunter

4. Jerk It Out, Caesars

5. Rock Star - Jason Nevins Remix, N.E.R.D.

6. Like This, X-ecutioners

7. Mas, Kinky

8. A is for Action, Ima Robot

9. Snow Patrol, Alpine Stars

10.Wobble, Aphrodite

11.We Don't Care, Audio Bullys

12.Bear Witness III, Dan the Automator Featuring Q-Bert

13.Silver Screen Shower Scene (Static Revenger), Felix Da Housecat

14.Ride, Deepsky

15.No One Knows - U.N.K.L.E. Remix, Queens of the Stone Age

16.Way Away, Yellowcard

17.Screw Up, Overseer

18.Emerge - Junkie XL Remix, Fischerspooner

19.Higher Ground - X-ecutioners Remix, Red Hot Chili Peppers

20.Poor Leno - Silicon Soul Remix, Royksopp

21.Labor Day (It's A Holiday), Black Eyed Peas

22.Hypersonic, Jane's Addiction

23.Play It Loud, MxPx

24.Who's Who, Dialated Peoples

25.Do Your Thing - Jaxx Clubb Remix, Basement Jaxx

26.Leave Home, Chemical Brothers

27.Don't Let The Man Get You Down, Fatboy Slim

28.Freeze, K-Os

29.Glass Danse - Oakenfield Remix, The Faint

30.Stare At The Sun, Thrice

31.Clockworks, Autopilot Off

32.The Bitter End, Placebo

33.Avalanche, Power Plant

34.Buffet of Breaks, John Morgan

35.Good Times, Finger Eleven


PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:14 pm  Post subject:   
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For this, many thanks :cheers

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:03 pm  Post subject:   
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Finger 11's last!? I love that song!!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:03 pm  Post subject:   
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Complete tracklist? Well, no!

There are a few songs that are missing here (some were not written in the manual).

Powerplant - Full Throttle
Powerplant - Yellowcard
John Morgan - Off and Gone
John Morgan - Into the Storm
Unit:187 - Anger Management (Machineries of Heaven Remix)

Some theme musics for Allegra, Griff, Nate and Zoe by CDT

And there are some more songs, but I don't know what their names are.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:14 am  Post subject:   
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Of course that music is in the game, but I am pretty certain he was asking about the song tracks in the playlist (the ones that play during a run).

The first four songs (which are credited in the manual) are less than a minute long each, and you are not going to find them anywhere but in ssx3, so he won't find them in his for the fifth song you listed (unit187), I cannot comment on because I have never heard that song in the game (end credits or something?).

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:31 am  Post subject:   
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xLENx wrote:
Of course that music is in the game, but I am pretty certain he was asking about the song tracks in the playlist (the ones that play during a run).

Those are some extras! :)

The first four songs (which are credited in the manual) are less than a minute long each, and you are not going to find them anywhere but in ssx3, so he won't find them in his search...

First of all, they aren't a minute long. Second thing: Ok, I know you can hear the songs only on SSX 3, but who cares anyway? I'm not the kind of person who listenends to populair music such as Queen of the Stoneage or N.E.R.D or whatever, I'm just listening to stuff I like, even if the songs aren't made by such big superstars, I still like it. :yes

as for the fifth song you listed (unit187), I cannot comment on because I have never heard that song in the game (end credits or something?).

You have to listen carefully, cuz you can hear the song loud and clearly if you end up first place in any event with Psymon :yes It's a short song in the game (5 sec. I guess?) You can download the song on, but the site is temporary down now.

btw. I know the guy who worked on the SSX, SSX Tricky and SSX 3 soundtrack :) I asked him if I could have those 4 songs 2 weeks ago (I already have Unit:187's entire CD with that song on it) , but I still didn't get any reply from him. Maybe it's because I told him that the SSX 3 soundtrack sux ass and he got angry maybe? Hmmmm,,, neeeeh! :heh

If I have the songs, I'm sure gonna post them here ok?

Ok, one more thing: who wants the Space Raiders song that is specialy remixed for SSX Tricky (not the one on SSX, but the one on SSX Tricky) Space Raiders - Song for Dot (thnx James! thnx Rom! :) ). Just let me know and I'll post it here! :wink

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 12:32 pm  Post subject:   
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yup Finger Eleven is :pimp but i hate it when it playes through the entire run with no lyrics... that pisses the crap out of me... (somehow that doesn't sound right... :wtf )

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