Forum to discuss the SSX game for the Nintendo Wii
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Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:10 pm

hi. I don't have this game. i don't even have a wii. But I still have a question. What's the order you unlock the characters? And what 4 do you start out with? I've searched many places but none have given me a straight answer. Please reply!!!!!!

Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:20 am

You start off with Mac, Kaori, Moby, or Elise. (:
I'm not sure if how you unlock the rest depends on the character you play as but then it was the two newbies for me (Felix and Maya), I don't know the rest since I barely got this game last week. :|

Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:42 am

After Elise it's the new newbies; Maya and Felix. :|

Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:24 pm

Cool videos. I guess the folks at EA Big got tired of reading post after post of "Bring back Jim Rose! That's NOT what an Australian sounds like! Why isn't Ryan Wall playing Mac?", so they went and made all of the characters mute. That's fine; we can just pretend what they're saying, and therefore it'll be all vulgar and stuff .
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