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Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:47 am

So, lately, there's been a string of bomb threats here in Nova Scotia over the past 2 weeks. So far, there's been threats to:

- Two NSCC campuses - The Waterfront campus, which I take my course at, and another in Cape Breton. Coincidentally, Prince Edward Island's schools had gotten similar threats at the same, on World Peace Day, no less!
- Two major universities.
- Our major downtown library
- A shopping mall
- and a bus terminal.

I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting another one, but that's at least 7 places here that got threatened, and the cops haven't found out who's been doing this. Already, people are getting apathetic to these threats, and I'm getting kinda worried that someone is pulling a "boy cried wolf" stunt so they can actually set off a legit bomb eventually. Have any of ya'll here had to deal with this type of BS?

Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:48 am

Nothing that bad, but at my school a student went to the library and posted some shit threatening to kill black students.

Turned out to be some bullshit. A black chick did it too.

Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:32 pm

Khalpz wrote:Nothing that bad, but at my school a student went to the library and posted some shit threatening to kill black students.

Turned out to be some bullshit. A black chick did it too.


I've got no words for that. None.
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