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SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:10 pm
by Yeti
I'll post this information here. I did ask but had no reply as to letting you know, so for now, I will :D

After a very brief email conversation with Steve Rechtschaffner, it seems his new team/company 'Supernatural Games' is working on a new SSX style game due out around 2022/23.

As EA own the licence to SSX, Steve's game cannot carry the brand name, but as most of the team are those that worked on Tricky and SSX3, I would hope that whatever they do has the insane heart of SSX and gives us something to look forward to.

I would love for them to include elements of sled storm into anything they make and I'm sure there will be some great characters, hopefully with customisable bolt on's like ssx3 and not real world outfits like STEEP (or anything like STEEP actually - no I don't like it very much).

what's your wish should all this come true?

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:39 am
by Freezygaming
Wow, I’ve heard of this before, and I’m incredibly glad it’s true but hey what’s really too bad is that they can’t put characters like zoe, griff, kaori, nate, mac :cry :cry (all the characters of this franchise lol) But good hope that it will be a good like ssx, with races, freestyles and off tracks.

Too bad the characters in ssx belong to EA (because as I was able to extract all the 3d characters from the game :D :D ) well I could have maybe sent them to steve , and they could have improved them lmao (Remaking in hd or something else ) , but I suppose that is a beautiful dream impossible

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:24 pm
by perpetualdusk
I guess anything is possible. Hopefully, not trying to hijack or deviate from this post. But my most favourite anime- Bleach- has been confirmed after a hiatus of 9 YEARS to finally resume the final arc/story in order to complete it; bringing it to a full circle.

All I would like to have from this new game would be a nice soundtrack (made a post about this, I think it's right below this one in the "recent topics").

So, in other news, how have you all been?

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:00 pm
by martymcflyy85
I hope its another snowboarding game, but I got the impression it was another "game" altogether but just in the same style as SSX.

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 6:12 pm
by Granola Hero
Hey Yetiiiii! It feels unnatural seeing your name without your old avatar. [yeti] :D
I love Steep but nothing compares to SSX3. I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for this.

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 11:36 am
by TrickyEmu
I hope this Tony Hawk reboot is a major success because we all know this is how EA do. Once they see that people still love extreme sports games maybe they will reboot their own franchise.

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:15 pm
by Yeti
Granola Hero wrote:Hey Yetiiiii! It feels unnatural seeing your name without your old avatar. [yeti] :D

Hi Granola - Yeh, my photobox account stopped linking and I never found anything else to replace it. Had to use one of the standard avatars. Maybe one day I sort it :thumbsup :)

Re: SSX lives but by another name...

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:12 am
by flexxx
That sounds really cool! Hopefully they don't bite off more than they can chew - indie development can run through the dollars very quickly.

This is something I would consider backing as a kickstarter or early access game if it looks good.

Not having the SSX license could be a blessing in disguise as they get to come up with all new characters and concepts without risking fan backlash over how characters are handled.

Would be super cool with a character creator that ets you recreate the original characters and share them, that way they can get around licensing issues. This works really well in wreslting games.