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Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:58 pm

Image If you're a fan of SSX, today was a pretty epic day. The day started off with the IGN LiveStream even that gave us an hour's worth of information and drool worthy course runs. Then we got a Giant Bomb hour long SSX info video that had some epic moments, even more drool worthy course runs, and was filled to the brim with lots of details. After the jump you will find both video's available for your viewing. Make sure you hit up the forums and join in on the discussion. There's just so much to talk about.

Hit the jump for the video's and list of key points.


Giant Bomb's SSX Uber Info Video

IGN LiveStream Event

The following list was compiled by whoozwah:
(The three italicized points haven't been confirmed.)

-Campaign is called world tour. touted as an extended tutorial showcasing roughly 30 percent of the total content.
-there is no collision detection in explore mode but there is in world tour.
-there's a rivals view in ridernet that shows what appears to be friends you compete with frequently.
-loading screens give gameplay tips.
-times no longer all end in 3
-Uber tricks are tweakable
-there is auto balance for grinding
-rewinds can last up to 15 seconds
-prewinds are done with the left stick in the modern control scheme
-content in the storefront (during your load out) is shown based on the currently selected drop, event type, player level and shows new content every time it's opened.
-trick combos are timed. the bigger the trick, the longer that combo stays alive before it eventually times out and gets added to the overall score.
-the end of run breakdown will give you recommendations based on friend activity and will let you jump straight to other events.
-big head perk. Nice.
-roughly 1,000 boards with semi-randomly generated stats
-mods are essentially perks that give you boosts to different attributes. Some of these have a time limit for you to purchase them.
-as you level up you get more slots for equipping more gear and mods.
-you earn more geotag slots as you level up
-everybody can pick up everybody else's geotags, not just friends. (We think it may be restricted to only friends because otherwise there may be hundreds of geotags on a track at once.)
-armor is the required gear for rock, trees and avalanche deadly descents.
-in world tour, once you survive a deadly descent, it's over. in explore it takes you back to the top again and you essentially survive as long as you can until you run out of rewinds.
-each subsequent survival run gets harder as you go down it.
-some race events do have limited rewinds (We think Dougan may have messed up explaining it on that particular race since previously it's been said that only deadly descents have limited rewinds.)
-in the avalanche survival run, boost gives partial invulnerability to the snow
-it shows the exact spots where your friends have perished during avalanche runs.
-you can still use manuals to keep your combo going
-you can send and receive text messages directly through ridernet (It was said in the video that you could do this via an iPhone app, there was no visible indicator on the screen that would bring up a message box or text box.)
-there are close to 100 badges that you can earn in different categories like "world tour" "explore" "race" "survive" etc which tie into trophies/achievements
-you unlock characters by playing through world tour or by buying them with credits earned in explore.
-10 is the level cap for the shipped game. indication that level cap may rise post launch.
-gear is restricted during global events for fair play but during explore anything goes
-The parameters you can set for custom global events include: event type, time limit, entry fee, show or hide standings, show ghost leader, payout bracket, who can enter, max gear level, wingsuit toggle, rewind toggle.
-there is no freeride mode. You can set up a custom global event though and play by yourself that way.

Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:57 am

Near the end of the Giant Bomb video Connor plays a Race event called "One Step Ahead" that's on a dangerous narrow ridge. He uses all his rewinds up and dies before finishing the race.

Also in the Giant Bomb video at 33:07 Connor states that everybody can pick up geotags, not just friends.

As with the text messages in ridernet, yeah iono. You can take that one off :P

Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:12 pm

Connor was mistaken on that race track, whooz. The menu even says he can still rewind when he dies. There is no limit on that race, because it IS a race and not a survival event. You have unlimited rewinds on races.

And we're not sure about the geotags, it doesn't make sense unless it pulls them randomly from people. millions will be playing this game on the first day, so there would be so many geotags we're just not sure that's feasible.

Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:30 pm

gondee wrote:Connor was mistaken on that race track, whooz. The menu even says he can still rewind when he dies. There is no limit on that race, because it IS a race and not a survival event. You have unlimited rewinds on races.

So if you refuse to rewind in a Race when you fall, then you get ejected from the run? Plus there was a health bar...

Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:53 pm

That's weird that there was a health bar, since it was a Race It event.

Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:25 pm

So if you refuse to rewind in a Race when you fall, then you get ejected from the run? Plus there was a health bar...

The first part - yes, I think you get ejected from races with ledges if you don't rewind. It almost happens to him in other races as well - but nowhere in the particular event on "One Step Ahead" does the rewind notification mention that there are a limited number of rewinds. I think he just thought there was, or he didn't want to race it anymore.

Now the health bar thing, that's a more interesting thing. I can't answer that readily - except that this is possibly a survive it event in other modes, and the health bar is there because of that. It might be possible to still die in survive it tracks even if they are done as races.

Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:31 pm

Not a big fan of dying in race events....

well I did see on Patagonia there were two "Survive" Events. one was the deadly descent and one was the one step ahead. So I guess there are survive events that aren't deadly descents? and maybe the non-DD ones let you race with survive elements? Did we see him pick "race" or "survive"?

Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:17 pm

He picked a race, but the track also doubled for a survive event. Either way, I agree that the health bar needs to go for races, regardless of whether or not it's a survive track. Also, you shouldn't be told you can "try again" when you fall like that. It should instead give us a message telling us to rewind if we fall off the track (especially since rewinds aren't restricted in races).

Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:27 pm

totally agree with Kav. You devs listening?!!

Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:32 am

Did anyone else notice at 15:10 it had 18/450 suits for Mac?
I knew there were gonna be a lot but holy crap!

Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:53 pm

Well yes there are a lot of outfits, but from what I gather they just seem to be color scheme changes along with the same semi-random stat changes. I bet they came up with a system that can randomly generate outfits. Still, it's nice having so many options. I'm excited about the massive number of boards too! I think they said that around 400 of just the user-generated boards got into the game.

Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:50 pm

jjakt wrote:Did anyone else notice at 15:10 it had 18/450 suits for Mac?
I knew there were gonna be a lot but holy crap!

I know right, my eye caught that when I saw it.

Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:56 am

core frap jiggy! So far I have avoided thinking too long or hard about how much I am gonna enjoy this game, preferring to wait until its out so the dreaded wait isn't an issue, but that just went the way of the dodo. Then again, I guess its a great problem to have, when the series of games you enjoy gets blown out to 12/10 and surpasses all your expectations.

Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:02 pm

Wish I hadn't missed this, but I was busy WORKING so I don't mind too much. And I always assumed geotags would be handled like the message/hint system in Demon's Souls, where you see random players' messages for a short amount of time. Not sure if non-friend geotags stay glued to your run or if they fade in and out randomly, though.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I think I did catch this one. Must be on the wrong thread.
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