Forum to discuss the fourth installment of the SSX series
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:17 pm

I was wondering if someone had some advice. I'm currently at pro-master level with 13/49 medal events completed but only have 3 medal events on the main map now (all pro-master) and the other 10 in the past events map, so where are the rest? Most of the amateur ones I think never appeared? Or else appeared and then disappeared :???

I don't get it, did I do something wrong like do too many shreds instead of medal events?

I am seriously down on money and hype and need to get some more medals. :dead

Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:52 am

Yeah well I've been thinking about this and have finally come up with a hype maximising sneaky plan (HMSP).

This is what Ill do: Ill start again and do all the medal events but lose them all (just dawdle around picking up money icons) then once I've failed every single medal event at amateur level I will do the shreds and get enough hype to move up to rookie. Then I will go back and do the amateur medal events and win them all for even more hype. Then do the same at Rookie level.

Will this plan work do you think? :wink

Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:11 am

As far as I can remember the game only shows you about three or four medal events at a time. They slowly change as you do shreds but the only quick way to get a new one up is to complete one of the ones already there.

Now to your plan. In theory it sounds good but I can't remember if the game removes a shred/race from the map if you dont win. I think that you will still have to get a medal in it to remove it from the map.
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