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Zoe Payne

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 9:51 pm
from: gondee
Article type: General
Viewed: 2062

EDGE: 10

Zoe Payne
Age - 23
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 130 lbs
Blood Type: B-
Nationality - American
Likes: Mountain biking
Dislikes: Inline skaters
Trait: Original

Partner: Moby
Rival: Griff
Favorite Event: Race
Stance: Regular
Motivation: Going down the slopes, enjoying the competition.

Bio: Truly in love with mountains and high altitudes, Zoe has dedicated her life to not only being the best snowboarder on the SSX Circuit, but also climbing as many mountains as possible. All by herself!

Quotes from DJ Atomika:
* Check this. Zoe Payne becomes the first snowboarder in the history of the world to break the sound barrier. A bull whip also breaks the sound barrier when it cracks. The crack is a miniature sonic boom.
* Zoe Payne says that when she wraps up her snowboarding career, she's gonna concentrate full time on reaching the top of the seven summits. That's the highest peak on each of the seven continents and she's doing it solo.
* There's something different about Zoe Payne this year. She's reached a new level fitness and mental acuity. She attributes it to her solo ascent of Aconcagua.
* The tallest mountain outside of Asia. Zoe Payne focused her off season pursuits on finding balance. What does that mean for an extreme sports maven? How about a grueling solo bike trek across an isolated mountain range.
* Check it. When Zoe Payne is not busting ego's tearin' it up on the SSX circuit, she's blazing trails in the rain forest of Peru where she saw the greatest biodiversity and density of birds on Earth. Stellar.

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