Monster tricks

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 9:29 pm
from: gondee
Article type: General
Viewed: 1574

There are twelve monster tricks in the game. These are available
for the characters in Quick Play, but you have to buy them for your CAC. They cost 125,000 each.

The Kickback Jack - Move R3 Analogue up
String Cheese - Move R3 Analogue up and then left
Spreader - Move R3 Analogue up and then right
Donkey Kick - Move R3 Analogue right
Body Massage - Move R3 Analogue right and then up
PT Air - Move R3 Analogue right and then down
Drop Out - Move R3 Analogue down
Chocolate Thunder - Move R3 Analogue down and then right
Nutcracker - Move R3 Analogue down and then left
Steppin Out - Move R3 Analogue left
The Wizard - Move R3 Analogue left and then down
Steeb - Move R3 Analogue left and then up

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