Team Merqury City

What is "Team Merqury City"?

Well, after several e-mail discussions with Gondee and talking about various topics from the site to all others Fan Sites in general, the excellent Gondee gave me the even more excellent idea to try and go and form a "Team Merqury City!"
As most of you know the site was born about four month ago and from my own very personal wish to build up a real clean SSX Fan Site for all the real hardcore SSX gamers that we all are (yes, yes that includes me!)
There were a couple of "dead weeks" back in May & June, all across the GameFaqs board, and it felt as if for a moment everybody had lost interest in the game...
WRONG! A sudden revival came about with the arrival of new (awesome) players, the return of some older ones (or the ever-lasting kindness of those who never left and always so nicely answered to the Newbies) and also, I believe, with the announcement of an SSX contest organized by the Twin Galaxies web site. (A special thanks to Run5k here for always making sure to keep us up to date with the contest latest rules and regulations!)
The GameFaqs board had found a new life again, thus the merqurycity site and my own interest on going on building it "a little" faster!
Today is slowly getting there, pages are getting done and uploaded at a much faster pace than before and overall everything is actually going pretty well! (...and I'm sincerely very happy about it!)

So what is this "Team" thing all about?

Well, things are going quite well indeed and for ONE very basic reason ONLY, because I received some extra help!
You see, the merqurycity site IS, or at least WAS, a one-man job from the start!
It has the promises to be huge as I gathered tons of material for it but putting it all together, up and running, and in a way seducing enough so people would come back to it, well, there is no way in hell a ONE MAN ONLY could make this happen!

So I got the extra help and today what I need (and want) is more HELP!!!

You think the site looks good?
Well think again, it's not even halfway done!!! (...More like a small third of it actually!)
There is still SO MUCH to do and to put together, at this pace and on my own I might actually be finished sometimes in between the releases of SSX 3 & 4!!!

SSX Fans, the bottom line is I have plenty of assignment to give away!
That's what "Team Merqury City" is all about!

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Today, and thanks to their generous help, the following people are already members of Team Merqury City:

Tomorrow, I want to invite the following people below to consider joining the Team and contribute one way or another, if they'd like and even as a one time only, to the creation of a what is going to become a Great Fan Site in the end:
Big Lou
Millwall Lion
(And I apologize here If I'm forgetting anyone, this is not intentional and you, YES YOU, you are welcome too!)

No I do not want to end up having all the SSX Fans just signing up, sending me picts of their high scores in short-e-mails, and claiming that that's it they are part of "Team Merqury City!" No, "Team Merqury City" is for VERY SERIOUS PLAYERS/HELPERS ONLY and I WILL be the one providing the guidelines for your HOMEWORK should you choose to participate or not! Here is a list of about a dozen of those so-called HOMEWORKS that I would like to assign:

1/ SSX Walkthroughs
Well, obviously we are still missing Walkthroughs! I need Walkthroughs and for both Race and Showoff modes!
Walkthroughs/FAQs are so very important as they represent the backbone of the game!
As it turns out, people love the fact that Snowdream and Merqury City are presented with two different versions for the Race Event Mode... therefore I need A LOT of walkthroughs!
Providing a complete (and serious) Walkthrough makes you automatically a new member of the Team!

2/ SSX Characters Background!
I have here tons of info, from some of the characters trick moves to their small personal bio and even a list of all the things they actually say on the track! Someone needs to sort this big mess out (and even if it's one character at the time...) This is actually also valid for all the venues in SSX as in the "Characters & Maps" section of the site I will need a summary of info for each of the track. Remember now that this is a Fan Site, it is therefore OK to also make up something completely fictional, humorous, philosophic or again very imaginative... come up with a story, something you want to say, share or would like to believe in...

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3/ SSX Tips & Tricks!
Now here is one of my biggest problem! The tips & tricks are the essence of SSX!
This GameFaqs board is full of them, post are going away replaced by newest ones... I lost track long ago but I have few pages of text saved here and there! It's just a mess and I do not have the time to go through it so what I need here is help re-writing small and precise "Tips" OR/AND "Tricks" mini chapters so we can get them posted in the Donuts Zone.

4/ SSX Codes, Cheats and Glitches!
Same as above, I have a ton of those scattered through multiple saved post, links and various reviews...

5/ More SSX Music Info!
No I do not need any MP3s but I do need info (as much as possible) on all of the artists that worked on the awesome SSX soundtrack! Can you get me bio and picts for Rahzel, Mix Master Mike and some of the others...?

6/ SSX Pictures!
I do not really need any pictures but yes I could actually use some more pictures... ONLY if they are taken by you that is and therefore are not the ones that are available everywhere on the net!
(I believe I probably have gathered 90% of those by now!)

7/ SSX Movies!
OK, same as above, I do not need to get any of the movies made available on most of all the popular game sites, no, but on the other hands if you do have movies of some of your own replays (or portion of one, a trick, a glitch, anything!) and if you know how to deal with QuickTime issue, compression and the rest then you might just be becoming our latest team member...

8/ SSX Links Summary!
Again, there are tons of SSX links out there... I have most of them saved here all over my hard drive! Who is going to help to put together a nice and very helpful list for the site?

9/ SSX Reviews & Articles!
Again same here, I have TONS of articles and various SSX reviews!!!
I do not even know "which" contains "what" anymore...

10/ SSX Special Projects!
Feel like doing some in-depth research and speculation about a particular SSX subject? Want to study up close and personal an area of a track, a shortcut, a snowflake, or again make the detailed analysis of a special technique in the gameplay? ... just go ahead!

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11/ SSX Tricky!
Well, it seems just a shame, as more and more information is coming out everyday about the much anticipated SSX sequel, and as we only getting closer to the launch date in the Fall, I'm already getting way behind gathering all the info that has been made available on and off the net! I need help there too!
Don't forget that will obviously also become the SSX Tricky Fan Site, that's two Fan Sites in one! The World Wide Web "SSX CENTRAL" as Gondee put it so nicely!
We just got to make it happen!

12/ Pure Web Research! (Message Board/ Chat Rooms / Search Engines Issues and Sponsors)
There, not directly SSX related but definitely a plus for the site...
I would like eventually to upgrade the Message Board to a nicer one, set up a Chat Room and also FIGURE THE PROPER WAY TO REGISTER WITH SEARCH ENGINES (I've done that, even paid some money and, well, it doesn't seem to work!)
If anybody can help with some info here...
Also does anyone know how to get (good) sponsors?

OK, that's it for now (...and way enough already!)

Please DO NOT feel obligated to be nice and helping just because I've been mentionning
your name above in this letter!
DO IT and contact me only if you want to do it and if you actually do have the time!
Please consider this as a pretty serious thing! It might take you a couple of hours a week or
you might just want to be helping for a specific task and once and one time only!
THAT'S FINE TOO! (Remember, I will provide you with material!)
But definitely it would be nice to end up with a close team of 5 to 10 reliable people
and that would all be able to work together for quite some times toward building a great Fan Site!
(...And who knows maybe even more!)

Thanks again to all of you for the great support!


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