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I kinda' need your guys' help!

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:45 pm
by Alex
Yeah....I want to improve my skills in SSX 3, but just look at this video...It's just so...LUCKY!
I need to your guys' criticism to help me improve my scores. That is why I uploaded this video.

Re: I kinda' need your guys' help!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:13 am
by Kubi
First of all, you need more combo.
Try to do the weird 180 on the rail, and the nosepress 180 on the ground (go to Knowledge base -> SSX series -> SSX3 -> advanced techniques; and then search for them).

Secondly, you need to try your best for a X-X-X (i.e. Triple X-Executioner). Do to that, on each of your Xs, hold the uber a bit shorter, so that it finishes about as soon as the last flip. Then, press any of the shoulder buttons (lightly), which cancels the frames left after the trick. From my own experience, I know the uber trick can't last longer than the flips/spins, or frame cancelling won't work.

Another way to get your monsters faster, is to try to tap as little as possible because every tap still makes the game think you hold it, so it spins slower. It is VERY hard, but try to do your X only with two taps (prewind, then one tap just before each flip ends), and your SA with 1 (prewind, then one tap just before the second flip).

On 0:50 in the video, when you failed a stoneage, you had to do some spins/flips, you could have always added a tweaked grab. Also, judging by the amount of airtime you had left, I think another try for a stoneage would JUST succeed.

Oh yes, judging. As I mentioned your first air, you only did and X-X, with the second one stalled. From now on, try to do your first X, then just quickly estimate how much air you have got left. Right there, with the air time you had and the speed of your tapping, I would have gone for an X-SA-SA.

I think that's all, Keep practicing! :)

Re: I kinda' need your guys' help!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:04 pm
by RE Virus
Just do what I do in my video.

Re: I kinda' need your guys' help!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:39 pm
by QuotidianPerfection
Hi Alex:

Congratulations on your 1 M+ point Crow's Nest run.

By the way, if you need help on "specifics" (e.g. tapping faster), all you have to do is peruse through my QuotidianPerfection YouTube Channel. One of my YouTube videos illustrates (i.e., in slow motion) how to land an X-X-SA Monster Trick sequence off the ramp in Crow's Nest prior to heading into the finish line.

I am still a novice at CN (my highest score to date is a shade under 1.4 M). If you want to understand the components of a quality run, I suggest that you watch the following CN runs in detail: RE Virus' WR run, mrchaos' run, and rastapo / morphhelin's run.

If you still need help, stukastriker206, send me a PM on YT. I'll be glad to field your questions.

By the way, when I first surpassed the 1 M point mark on LT (my first YT video), I did it by emulating your 1 M+ point LT run!

Take care, and good luck with your CN scores!