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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:18 pm  Post subject: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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Mobile theme is live! 1.17.14

Okay, the mobile theme is up and running. I've done some preliminary testing and it everything looks good. Let me know if you see any dead links or broken pictures.

Keep in mind almost all the bbcode for the board is NOT written with mobile in mind, so take design problems with certain bbcodes on the board for granted. They may break the layout, etc.

At the bottom of each page in whatever theme you normally use, you will see a "switch to mobile style" link now. If you want to switch between them based on whatever device you are using to browse the web, go right ahead. The link is also present on the mobile theme as well.

----ORIGINAL POST--------
I've mentioned before I want to work on the board some more and get some features implemented, and it always seems like I never get around to doing it. I think it was what, April when I talked about designing a new theme for the board that was mobile friendly, and here we are in December and I haven't even started on it yet. I would apologize, but it would be empty and meaningless. I should just admit I'm not as eager to work on the board as I once was - but on that front...

I recently changed jobs and am realizing how much my old job took out of me and how little energy it left for me to want to tackle such a big project as designing the board to be mobile ready. I have moved to a different place and the negative atmosphere that was prevalent in almost every aspect of working there is gone, and I find my energy level back to what it was before I changed positions in 2012.

I'm not going to promise the world, that would be foolish. But I have a week or so off after Christmas that I'm planning, at this moment, to use to tackle designing a mobile-ready board theme.

The other issue I wanted to tackle was finding someone else to work on mods for the board. A new phpbb version is out (3.1) and I'd love to upgrade to take advantage of the new features it offers (including aforementioned responsive designs), but I need to find a new programmer to tackle that and it's proving difficult. Our last programmer is no longer available (why I don't know, and it's not for lack of trying) but I am thinking of bending my energy towards solving this. The only other issue that may make this tough is money (modding costs money), and I'll have to tackle that if it becomes an issue.

Anyway, I'm rambling a little, but I just wanted to bring this up again so people know I'm thinking about it. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:11 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
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I visit this site on phone. Definitely something more mobile friendly would be nice.

But MOST OF ALL: If you could make the YouTube videos switch to HTML 5 instead of flash, that would be a huge help on mobile.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:17 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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As I'm gearing up to work on this in the week between Christmas and New Year's, I just wanted everyone to know that when I make the main forum design responsive, not every single aspect of the forum will be that way.

For example, making certain pages fit onto a tiny cell-phone screen is problematic - for example, all the information on the profile page would be incredibly difficult to stuff onto a small screen. In the case that it's too bothersome, I will just skip it for now.

But my plan is to, at a minimum, make the main forum index, viewforum, and viewtopic pages all responsive. That way you can read them a little easier on your mobile devices. The other site pages, like scoreboard, etc. will have to be much later as those designs are more set in stone.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:46 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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So after doing some more research on this, it might be easier to go with a simple mobile theme for Grav rather than try to recode the entire theme to be a responsive design.

Our main template is made mostly of tables, which is a really out-of-date way to design websites, but at the time I redesigned the themes to go with the last upgrade in 2009 it was the most like our old theme. Times change I guess, and short of recoding the whole damn theme it would probably be easier for now to put a different theme on mobile devices.

I see why Neogaf does a separate mobile site rather than try to redesign tables to be responsive - very difficult to do without recoding a whooole lot of stuff.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:25 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
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Hey, that sounds pretty good to me. :thumbsup I think I've said before that I love GAF's mobile design. Simple is good for mobile, I think.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:47 am  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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The mobile theme is coming along nicely, I'm going to do a day or two more of testing, but after that it shouldn't be too much longer before I can install it on the board.

Here is a preview of the theme. This isn't finished but it should give you a good idea of what it will look like. It's very user-friendly and will be much better on small devices like phones and tablets. :yes


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:07 am  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
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Wow. G that is looking great so far.

Midian: Real authentic stuff is the pizza the Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles eat. Fast, cheap and sloppy
Midian: Like NA
CurryKing: I wanted the title to be: This image is in no way grooming you for Thor's mighty hammer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:49 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:11 pm  Post subject: Re: Just a quick topic about the board (no bad news or anyth  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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:heh Thanks city. :heh Don't give me too much credit though, it's a recolored version of a free phpbb skin. It did come out pretty nice though, probably because the basic theme is so simplistic.

I've finished up the last major design hurdle on the mobile theme, so tomorrow I'll look into applying it to the board. It will only cover the forum, and not all the 101 other add-ons like the scoreboard, etc. until I figure out some way to add these things to the mobile theme down the line. And odds are, the other pages won't be mobile.

Also, it's very likely some of the bbcodes won't work in mobile since most of them were created for the regular theme. Just take design issues with the mobile theme with a grain of salt. :heh

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:16 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme incoming  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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Mobile theme is being implemented this weekend. I ran into a bug which I couldn't find the answer for, but I finally got it working. Should be in at some point on Saturday. :D :cheers

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:18 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme incoming  
Zoe's #1 Fan
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Cool :thumbsup cant wait to check it out, nice work G

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:34 am  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme incoming  
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Can't wait to see it. Will be a hellavalot easier when Im at work to browse : D

Midian: Real authentic stuff is the pizza the Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles eat. Fast, cheap and sloppy
Midian: Like NA
CurryKing: I wanted the title to be: This image is in no way grooming you for Thor's mighty hammer

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:52 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme incoming  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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Okay, the mobile theme is up and running. I've done some preliminary testing and it everything looks good. Let me know if you see any dead links or broken pictures.

Keep in mind almost all the bbcode for the board is NOT written with mobile in mind, so take design problems with certain bbcodes on the board for granted. They may break the layout, etc.

At the bottom of each page in whatever theme you normally use, you will see a "switch to mobile style" link now. If you want to switch between them based on whatever device you are using to browse the web, go right ahead. The link is also present on the mobile theme as well.

Please put any requests you have about the mobile theme on this thread, and I'll see about getting it done. :china

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:16 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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Gondee, I salute to you for implementing this awesome mobile theme. I can see how this will make the site access more easily. Will check it out when I can on my phone. :D :china


PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:19 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme incoming  
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gondee wrote:
Please put any requests you have about the mobile theme on this thread, and I'll see about getting it done. :china

I've just been on it now and I can't see the board names clearly. It's because of the setting being with the text being dark blue and the background being black. It's kinda like the text camoflagued and trying to hide away from me. :heh


PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:41 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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Those colors match the regular Grav Classic theme - if someone else agrees with you, I'll change all the links to bold, and if that doesn't do it, I'll make them white.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:52 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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Can u still reply to other peoples comment?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:54 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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SSX_Nigel wrote:
Can u still reply to other peoples comment?

From here on the mobile, yes you can! :)


PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:36 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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okay, yeah, this theme is perf. i love that the text changes color when there's new posts. simple and clean. :woot


PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:46 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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The mobile theme is legit. No more struggle logging in! I can actually click on something and not be taken somewhere else. Though I have one request. The font color of the forum threads is dark blue and it blends into the black background kinda making things difficult to read. Maybe it's just on my mobile browser (Boat browser).

Holy shit I can actually click the edit button!! :woot
Yeah it seems to be an issue with my Browser. The font is supposed to be turquoise but to me it is dark blue.

*edit 2
Oh,now I get it. Unread posts are dark blue. :heh Well if you don't mind could you figure out a different color maybe. Just giving feedback. Oh one more thing. What I loved about the desktop site is that the top and the bottom had options to navigate. If we could get that drop down menu arrow thing at the bottom that would be amazing.

Mercury City's official Fortune Teller. *

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:19 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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I'm liking it Gondee! Great job :)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:25 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
Zoe's #1 Fan
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Nice work Gondee, just loaded up the site and it seems to work a treat :)
:thumbsup :cheers

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:04 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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This is awesome! Well done G :thumbsup


PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:23 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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TrickyEmu wrote:
Holy shit I can actually click the edit button!! :woot
Yeah it seems to be an issue with my Browser. The font is supposed to be turquoise but to me it is dark blue.

Ahhh, okay. I'm not sure I'm seeing that on my particular Android phone - what sort of mobile device are you using Emu? I'll go about changing it very shortly after I do some legwork. :china

EDIT: I see it, yeah, that's no good. I'll change the link color to be white with new posts. :)

Oh,now I get it. Unread posts are dark blue. :heh Well if you don't mind could you figure out a different color maybe. Just giving feedback. Oh one more thing. What I loved about the desktop site is that the top and the bottom had options to navigate. If we could get that drop down menu arrow thing at the bottom that would be amazing.

I'll see if I can get that arrow at the bottom as well. Makes a lot of sense since mobile posts will likely require a LOT of scrolling due to narrower screens and so by the time you get to the bottom you won't want to have to do the tedious job of scrolling back up to the top using your fingers. :yes

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:14 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX Mobile theme is LIVE! 1.17.14  
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I have on request.

Every time I load Da Gravitude Bar, it loads up the mobile style.
Using Windows 7 Gateway.

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