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Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:23 am

AMNG wrote:while Luther was my least favourite in Tricky, he was still pretty awesome. I actually liked the fact that he was mean... the world isn't full of nice people, so why should a game create the fantasy that everyone loves everyone and there isn't any bullying?

Also, we have no idea why Luther is like that. Something could have happened in his childhood that made him the way he is... and before you give me a lecture about his life, DM, as much as you think you know everything about the characters, it is strictly your opinion, not factual.

i hear you, fair point, and please don't assume i was going to give you a lecture about things (or know my future actions at all for that matter), that's just harsh. i just really hate bullies ok, there is at least one thing in this world i think that everyone can't handle on any level, fictional or not. for me it's people like luther. i mean he is a fat, insecure moron who dresses in jean jacket, a mullet and zebra pants WTF who dresses like one. i mean a lot of the tricky styles are odd but i can understand them and know that if u look hard enough u will find people like that (seeiah and eddie for instance) but luther...find a guy who crosses biker with zebra pants and i'll give you all my worldy possesions LOL. i'm just expressing my opinion on the guy ok, which i have a right to do, if you disagree then you disagree, fine.

oh yeah, truth about luther.....he's a hippo in disguise:D it's obvious because of his love for swamp buggy stuff

Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:19 pm

DMaster wrote:find a guy who crosses biker with zebra pants and i'll give you all my worldy possesions LOL

come to Alabama.

Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:19 pm

Funny when I was there I didn't see anyone like that. I must not have been far enough into the sticks, eh? :lol Though I was in the nerd capital as you put :lol

Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:34 pm

yes. You must venture deep into the heart of dixie where you find towns called slapout and roads called Possum Trot and Hog Wash and there isn't any pavement.

Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:53 pm

Hahaha, yeah. I was only really in Rocket City. :D
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