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Kaori Nishidake

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 9:47 pm
from: gondee
Article type: General
Viewed: 1038

KAORI: [BioKaori]

Kaori Nishidake
Age - 20
Height - 5'0"
Weight - 105 lbs
Blood Type: B+
Nationality - Japanese
Likes: Manga
Dislikes: Idiots
Trait: Cheerful

Partner: Mac
Rival: Maya
Favorite Event: Slopestyle
Stance - Regular
Partner - Mac
Motivation: Having a great time!

Bio: Kaori's enthusiastic and gregarious nature is a breath of fresh air on the SSX Circuit. She's always looking good, and smiling when she's competing -and winning her fair share of competitions at the same time!

Quotes from DJ Atomika:
* The rumor mill is churning out some interesting dish - it appears a little rivalry is brewing between SSX sweetheart Kaori and the new kid on the block Maya. How will this play out on the peaks?
* Kaori Nishidake takes her celebrity status with a grain of rice. She is here to have a great time and it shows in her gregarious nature and enthusiastic outlook.
* Kaori returns to the SSX circuit a little more sophisticated and a lot more confident. It's the type of progress that leads to one place - the podium.
* What does Kaori-san do when she's not shredding? Why, she goes shopping of course. She's one focused fashionista. She likes ripping it up and looking good doing it.
* SSX Veteran Kaori has always been tough to upset, and this year is no exception. She's learned to harness her boundless energy to get what she wants - epic.

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